V22 & Grey Tiger Books, presents: YOUNG LONDON 2011-2014
Saturday 29 November 2014, 6–9pm V22 Excelsior Works
V22 is delighted to launch Young London 2011-2014 in collaboration with Grey Tiger Books.
This catalogue documents the young London art scene from 2011 to now, as presented in the series of exhibitions of the same name by V22. Showing works from 73 artists, the Young London series gives a synopsis of emerging cultural and artistic attitudes and trends in London as produced by a new generation of young artists.
As part of the launch, Young London artists Benedict Drew, Ciarán Ó Dochartaigh, Dan Walwin, Squares And Triangles, and KERNEL presented live performances and screenings.
Venue info
V22 Excelsior Works
Rollins Street
SE15 1EP
Train: South Bermondsey
Tube: Bermondsey
Bus: 1, 381, P12