Toby HuddlestoneLECTURE APATHY, 2010

Friday 28 September 2012, 7–9pm V22 F Block

Part history lesson, part political campaign, Lecture Apathy is a lecture performance that studies a 20th Century history of dissent/disobedience and subversion and identifies the 1990's as the moment where the more overt and polar version of dissent (sticking two fingers up to authority) becomes outmoded or antiquated, which in turn leads to the suggestion of apathy as political aggressor/voice. The scripted performance is backed-up with fast-paced slides showing these moments of dissent leading to images of apathy and protest apathy. The performance becomes more apathetic as it continues towards an apolitical stance.

Toby Huddlestone

Lecture Apathy

Venue info

V22 F Block

100 Clements Road
SE16 4DG